Tuesday, October 25, 2011

First Chapter -- First Paragraph -- Tuesday Intros

Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea hosts First Chapter, First Paragraph, Tuesday Intros. This week's intro is from The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant:

A brown dog sits in a field. There's a collar around her neck. It's three inches thick and attached to a heavy chain, which clips onto a car axles that's buried so one end sticks out of the ground. As the dog paces in the heat, the axle spins, ensuring that the rattling chain won't become entangled.

The dog paces a lot wearing a circle in the scrubby weeds and sandy soil around the perimeter of the axle. She paces because there's little else to do. Sometimes a squirrel or a rabbit or a snake crosses nearby and she barks and chases it, or she lunges and leaps after the dragonflies and butterflies that zip and flutter past.


  1. OMG...it makes me so sad already just with that intro Kim. Don't think I could read this one. I'll be interested in your review.

    Kim, I know you are a huge dog lover, so not sure how you can read this :(

  2. I can't read animal books anymore. It destroys me. I abhor those who abuse their animals and those who don't understand that what they are doing is abuse.

  3. Hi Kim, I like your website and the intense interest you have in books. I am 70 years young, and I penned an erotic, true memoir surrounding one of the 10 most influential protests of the century (according to TIME MAGAZINE.I am sure that you will enjoy reviewing my book.
    Scott G. Brown (gsbrown318@gmail.com)

  4. what a brave soul you are to read this book! i work with abused children and it kills me the horrors mankind will inflict upon the the most innocent of victims
